jerusalem-331376_1280Our Israel tour is led by Christian guides (ministers and archaeologists) and provides a powerful faith-building experience you’ll never forget!

We will guide you through the land of Jesus’ childhood days and where, as an adult, He he preached to large crowds and performed miracles.

Day 1 – Leave the United States for Israel.

Day 2 – Arrive in Tel Aviv, Israel at the Ben-Gurion International Airport late Saturday afternoon. Travel in Israel by bus to view the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Then we will stay in a hotel in Bethlehem

Day 3 – We start with Jesus’ birth and explore Herod’s palace outside Bethlehem, then to the Shepherd’s fields, the Church of the Nativity and then to the Israel Museum. In the evening, spend time in the city of Bethlehem enjoying the city.

Day 4 – We will explore what Jerusalem was like when Jesus was at the Temple at age 12 – the remnants of the templecapernaum (Dome of the Rock) and the ancient city of Jerusalem!

Day 5 – Early morning trip to the baptism site on the Jordan River (where Jesus was likely baptized). We travel to Samaria for lunch and then up north to Galilee (Jesus’ home and base for his public ministry).

Day 6 – We spend time in Nazareth where Jesus lived and started his public ministry. Morning tour of the Church of the Annunciation (built over Nazareth town where Jesus grew up and lived ), then off to Nazareth Village (a re-created first century village) and then travel to Mt. Arbil, Capernaum, and a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee.

Day 7 – Visit the Mount of Beatitudes (location of Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount) Migdal (home of Mary; recent archaeological discovery), and Caesarea Phillipi.

tour-group-in-israel-1000Day 8 – We spend time in ancient Jericho, the place of the upper room and walking trip from the Garden of Gethsemanie and then to Caiaphas’ house.

Day 9 – Early morning visit to the sites of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion, the Church of the Holy Seplchure, the Mount of Asension, the Qumran, and then swim in the Dead Sea.

Day 10 – Leave Israel to return to North America.

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